Points covered:
- Drag as entertainment
- The truth about grooming
- The practice of Grooming
- The purpose of grooming
- Personal experience w/grooming
- Thinking about children as audience members
Tonya GJ Prince presents both her personal experience and extensive professional knowledge of power, abuse, and grooming to help safe adults make decisions in the best interests of the children in their care.
Tonya GJ Prince from WESurviveAbuse.com, SurvivorEye.com, SurvivorAffirmations.com, and BraidtheLadder.org gives voice to healthful affirmations and expert knowledge about abuse, domestic violence, sexual violence, healing, & healthy relationships. Feel free to leave us a recorded voice message (comments, tips, quotes, statistics, questions). We might use your recording on a future audio recording. Leaving a name is optional. — Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wesurviveabuse/message Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wesurviveabuse/support